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Tökéletes olaj elkészítése jelq-hez. Angol nyelvű leírás. 1 cup = 2,4 dl

Bázisolaj, rozmaring, levendula, muskotályzsálya és citromfű illóolaj kell hozzá:


1 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a base carrier for the essential oils. Men with sensitive skin will want to use more than a cup of olive oil to dilute the essential oils. To be safe, use at least a cup at first. You may eventually use less olive oil, but it is suggested that you do it slowly.
6 mL of Lavender Essential Oil (organic or 40/42 oil).
2.5 mL of Rosemary Essential Oil. Men with sensitive skin will want to go easy on this and may want to use less than the 2.5 mL suggestion. If you experience unpleasant irritation, this is the oil to look at first. Rosemary is the best vasodilator in the mix and great penetrating oil, but it’s also the harshest on the skin.
2 mL of Clary Sage Essential Oil.
1.5-2 mL of Lemongrass Essential Oil. Men with sensitive skin will want to go easy on this as well.


Pour the oils into a bottle and shake to ensure the oils are mixed. Do this before every use. If you are using EVO for the first time, you must test it on something other than your penis first. Test EVO by placing a tiny bit on a cotton swab and apply it to the inside of your wrist or your inner elbow. Don’t wash the area for twenty-four hours. If no redness or itching occurs, then the EVO should be safe to use. Even still, use just a tiny amount the first time. If itching or redness does occur, add another cup of extra virgin olive oil to dilute the essential oils, and try again.

Essential oils are potent. Use them with caution if you’re a first time user. “When used intelligently, essential oils are far less likely to cause side effects than most over-the-counter drugs,” says author Bill Gottlied in New Choices in Natural Healing. “But experts still advice proceeding with caution. In general, people with fair or freckled skin are more likely to experience skin irritation from essential oils.”

Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, you might have an allergic reaction to essential oils. Also, keep essential oils away from pregnant women, and avoid using essential oils if you have high blood pressure or epilepsy. For these reasons, you are using essential oils at your own risk.