radikál Creative Commons License 2014.09.09 0 0 54356

Jesszusom még itt tartasz csak? :)

Itt kb. 1 hete voltam.


Nyugi nem lesz hozzárendelve az account-od :P


Ezt a választ fogod kapni:


Dear ******,

Thank you for uploading to us your IBAN details, I would advise that the reason our system is preventing your banks addition is because we will not be able to process funds to/from this account using the new SEPA network.


Without overcomplicating this matter, the implementation of SEPA across Europe has caused a number of problems with a number of banks however, it has generally been an improvement with less delays to funds processing and improved processes. In your case, unfortunately , the IBAN validates as correct but our system is rejecting it as any transfers between PayPal and this bank account would fail. I can only recommend reaching out to your bank in relation to this matter as this bank account will not be able to be added.


Yours sincerely,

Előzmény: Jeepney (54350)