diagnet Creative Commons License 2014.07.07 0 0 134487

Csak úgy tudja érzékelni a változást...egy vezeték, 0/1.

így írja az elsa:

The visual oil pressure warning is switched on (oil pressure warning light flashes) and the buzzer sounds 3 times as an audible warning if at least one of the following conditions exists:
1   “Ignition on”, engine not running, oil pressure switch closed
2   Engine speed greater than 1500 rpm-1, oil pressure switch closed
–   At an engine speed above 5000 rpm-1, the oil pressure warning is not cancelled; also not if the oil pressure switch is closed. The oil pressure warning is cancelled below 5000 rpm-1.
–   If the oil pressure switch is open for only 0.5 to 3 seconds at an engine speed above 1500 rpm-1, this is stored in the combination processor of the dash panel insert. If this condition occurs 3 times when the engine is running, the oil pressure warning is immediately activated and is not cancelled below 1500 rpm-1. The oil pressure warning is cancelled once the oil pressure switch is closed for more than 5 s at an engine speed of above 1500 rpm-1, or if “ignition off”.

Nálam a 2. eset áll fenn.

Előzmény: 409 (134484)