Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2014.04.29 0 0 31219

Ámítás!Erről SLX-350-nek kell nyilatkozni,mivel per is volt.Globálisan kevés a PAO,de vannak kitünő helyettesítők.

Why are we reformulating Mobil 1?

A natural evolution of the formulation
• The Mobil 1 formulation strategy has always been b
ased on selecting the best
components available. We now have the very high qua
lity Group III+ base stock,
‘Visom’ exclusively available to ExxonMobil. As we d
eveloped the Mobil 1 ESP
technology we found that combining Visom with PAO c
ould deliver a formulation
of equivalent performance to an all PAO formulation.

Competitive advantage
• Visom is the only non-PAO stock that can deliver t
he required performance to
formulate a 0W grade oil that meets European OEM en
gine oil specifications.
Visom is not available to our competition.

To support Mobil 1 growth
• Global PAO capacity is limited. As we quickly appr
oach this limit, new base
stocks must be explored to ensure we can support th
e continued growth of the
Mobil 1 family of products.     http://www.motor-talk.de/forum/aktion/Attachment.html?attachmentId=695007

Előzmény: Törölt nick (31217)