Prelleg Creative Commons License 2014.02.20 0 0 12979

Kedves -Tremmel-!

Ha jól értem az alábbi szöveget, lesznek osztrák-magyar katonák is, kivéve az olasz frontot.


The data covers two million prisoners across the world: the Agency's archives contain 14 country card indexes – American, Austro-Hungarian, Brazilian, British, Bulgarian, Franco-Belgian, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian and Turkish. These card indexes also contain information on military personnel from colonies (including Senegal and India) and from the European provinces of the German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires (Czech and Polish in particular). The prisoners belong to a wide range of categories – military personnel, medical personnel, civilians etc."


Some of the national files, such as the Russian file, which the Danish Red Cross was in charge of drawing up, are incomplete. This is also the case with the Italian and Austro-Hungarian files, since Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire exchanged their lists without going through the Agency."

Előzmény: -Tremmel- (12976)