KissMe Creative Commons License 2014.02.02 0 0 9356

Mystery shoppers wanted - Próbavásárlókat keresünk!

Real money for real work!

We call mystery shoppers as evaluators, as their work represents a real great value for our clients. As a Helion Evaluator you will evaluate all sorts of services, including shops, restaurants, car showrooms, and the list goes on. You will be set a scenario to follow for each evaluation and then you will be asked to fill out an online questionnaire.

How to apply: send an e-mail to me (my address is public here) and in a reply you will get a link to Helion website to register. You don't have to pay, just click to the link and reply the questions. 

You will only select the jobs you can complete in your area and that you have time to complete.

You will be paid for each evaluation you complete at the fixed fee that you accept before you complete it. Each shop will pay anywhere between €10 to €40 per evaluation with each evaluation taking around 1 to 1 and half hours to complete.

You do not need to have experience to become a Helion Evaluator. Helion provides full in depth trainings and provides detailed instructions with every evaluation.

You will need to have great communication and social skills in the local language to be a Helion evaluator because you will need to interact with staff members for each of your evaluations. It is also very important to have good written skills in English.


Expected skills:

18 years or older.

An eye for detail.

Able to work with deadlines.

Good communication skills.

Good written skills.

Access to a computer with Internet access.

Contactable by phone.

And last but not least ... You need to enjoy yourself!

További kérdésekre üzenetben válaszolok. (Your questions will be answered by e-mail.)