emem Creative Commons License 2014.02.01 -5 0 747

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azt inkább itt keresd:


Photos no proof of Ram Setu: NASA

"The mysterious bridge was nothing more than a 30 km long, naturally-occurring chain of sandbanks called Adam's bridge," Hess had added. "NASA had been taking pictures of these shoals for years. Its images had never resulted in any scientific discovery in the area.


The same day, the government submitted an affidavit in the Supreme Court in which the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) said there were no historical records to prove the existence of a manmade Ram Setu."



persze a mondák valóban ember alkotta hídról beszélnek, de azt is megemlítik, hogy a híd egy majomhadsereg segítségével épül:



A bridge built by monkeys?

"Adam's Bridge, a name given to it by an East India Company official, is known in India as Ram Sethu or Rama's bridge. Hindus believe their god Ram built a bridge in the area, with the help of an army of monkeys, to cross over to Sri Lanka. For those wondering why it was imperative for the Hindu god to cross over, it was to rescue his wife from a Lankan king."


addig tehát, amíg nem teszel be olyan képeket, ahol a Rama híd víz alatti romjai látszanak, ennek a témának a "Mitológiai, majmok által létrehozott állítólagos építmények romjai" című topikban lenne a helye.

Előzmény: hyspano (744)