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Attila előtt nyugaton így ismerték a hunokat:


Salvianus a hunokat nem mint a Római Birodalom ellenségeit, hanem mint annak a kötelékében harcoló népet írja le. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvian


Orosius hasonlókat ír a hunokról, mi több (az állítólag pogány) hunokat mint keresztény népet, példaként állítja be akikről példát illene venni, mivel Krisztus templomait ők töltik meg.


"Yet if the barbarians had been let loose upon the Roman lands simply because the churches of Christ throughout the East and the West were filled with Huns, Suebi, Vandals, and Burgundians, and with believers belonging to various and innumerable races, it would seem that the mercy of God ought to be praised and glorified, in that so many nations would be receiving, even at the cost of our own weakening, a knowledge of the truth which they could never have had but for this opportunity. For how does it harm a Christian who is longing for eternal life to be withdrawn from this world at any time or by any means? On the other hand, what gain is it to a pagan who, though living among Christians, is hardened against faith, if he drag out his days a little longer, since he whose conversion is hopeless is destined at last to die?"


Ezek után lett az európai őslakos keresztény szövetséges hunokból keleti pogány vérengző betolakodó